Publication Category:
Project Reports
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Release Date:
Saturday, February 26, 2022
ToR - Monitoring & Evaluation Specialist
The proposed Somalia Crisis Recovery Project (SCRP, P173315) is a flood and disaster recovery, and reconstruction project financed by the World Bank to the Federal Ministry of Finance (MOF). It will support immediate and sustainable flood recovery and finance activities to mitigate future against shocks, by supporting: (a) immediate early floods recovery and service delivery restoration activities; (b) immediate support activities to respond and mitigate COVID 19; (c) medium-term rehabilitation of flood-impacted infrastructure, services and livelihoods; (d) elements of immediate and longer-term crisis preparedness and recovery; (e) detailed flood risk management plans, including both structural and non-structural flood risk management solutions for the country; and (f) support to enhance government performance and accountability and citizen engagement in service delivery.